Here’s the third and final part of the inside story of benjyfishy and MrSavage during the 2019 Fortnite World Cup Finals.

The story is told through the lenses of Anne Fish (mother of benjyfishy) and me (Johnny Troset Andersen, father of MrSavage). It originally appeared in 2021 in the book Build It Like benjyfishy & MrSavage: The Unofficial Fortnite Esports Guide for Players and Parents. More photos have been added to this online article compared to the book.

The official player introduction of Benjy and Martin at the finals.

Pro-Am event and creative finals

Anne: ‘Friday saw the World Cup Pro-Am event and Creative finals take place, which we could have attended, but as the boys were keen to get in some last-minute practice we decided to watch it on the television at the Helix eSports Center. None of us managed to get much sleep the night before the first final, which was the duo competition.’

DUO finals

Anne: ‘The excitement was electric when we arrived at the stadium the next day. All the emotions of the last few months had culminated in the events about to unfold during the next few hours. I remember being an emotional wreck as I kept bursting out crying. It took me a while to calm down. I think the expectation that Benjy and Martin were one of the favourites to win played a role in this.’

Benjy (to the right) entering the stage for the solo finals. Photo credit MrSavage.

Johnny: ‘If the boys were feeling nervous on the inside, they certainly didn’t give us any hints of their stress. I guess they were fuelled by the excitement of the event. Martin later said that he wasn’t nervous as he felt that he had prepared himself as best as he could for the competition. To prevent cheating, Epic Games had provided all players with prechecked mice, keyboards, and headsets, which were waiting for them at their seats.

All players were supposed to get their personal choice of mouse and keyboard, since changing these is something that can take weeks to adjust to, if ever. But due to an error that didn’t happen for all players. Benjy and Martin were lucky and got their equipment.’

Anne: ‘To be honest, the whole event flew by in a bit of a haze. When I asked Benjy to describe his games, he said he really couldn’t remember much and that it must be the adrenaline rush. I remember the first game specifically, as Benjy and Martin had high ground. Benjy was still alive in end game and I got very excited. They were in 5th place after the 1st game but to be honest the rest of the games were a bit of a blur. They ended up finishing in 14th position overall, but despite this great achievement they were very disappointed and determined to focus on the solos happening the following day.’

Benjy on the stage, with Martin watching in the background. Photo credit MrSavage.

Johnny: ‘Martin went straight back to the Helix eSports Center that evening to switch mode and practise solos. Their experience in the duos helped them ahead of the solos competition the next day, as they knew what it felt like to play in that huge stadium. Being double qualified as they both were meant they could keep their seats, which provided them some assurance.’

Solo finals

Anne: ‘In the solos, Benjy was aiming for top 10, however, he got sniped in two of the games and instantly finished. In his last game, he started falling off a ramp and was sniped down. Benjy ended up positioned in 25th place. As parents, Johnny and I found it best not to talk with the boys more than necessary, both before and after entering the stage. Benjy and Martin are both top athletes in their field, and they independently know how they performed and what they need to focus on.’

Martin and Turner "Tfue" Tenney watching Benjy during the solo finals. Photo credit @joetidy.

Johnny: ‘Martin finished in 29th position in the solos competition. I remember when he was speaking about his tournament experience, he said that he found the duo finals had been surprisingly laggy, probably due to all the world’s best professional players playing in the same game. Martin believed he played well, but he knew there was room for improvement.’

Honestly just should’ve improved on not getting sniped and getting bugged. All my fault ofc, wish I was as good as everyone top 10 that knew how to not get bugged and sniped.
— Martin
Nothing better than eating a juicy pizza and watching some Minecraft after missing top 10.
— Martin


Johnny: ‘It is fair to say that both boys were devastated that they hadn’t done as well in the World Cup as they wanted to. They knew that they had the potential to be as good as anyone else taking part. All parents can do is try to be there for their children when they need support, as well as give them space when they need it. Having a good peer and support team around them is also important. The day after the tournament, Martin relaxed at the hotel room and went sightseeing in New York City, visiting the Empire State Building and then Fifth Avenue for some shopping. Later that evening, Martin returned to the Helix eSports Center to resume practice, determined to do better in the next event.’

At Times Square, New York City. From left to right: Noward, Chibi, Benjy, Fuji, Smeef, Svennoss. Photo credit benjyfishy.

“Honestly one of the best moments of my life, and it's me putting my thumbs up.” -Benjy

Anne: ‘After the finals, Benjy decided to go out with his friends and wind down from the weekend’s events. Despite the disappointment, one of the most memorable moments during the event for Benjy was the iconic “thumbs-up” he gave to the camera at the stadium. At the time, it was great to see him starting to relax and enjoy the experience.

Benjy and Martin, as professional players, have both come out stronger from their World Cup experience with more drive, intensity, and focus. They know what to expect from the next competition and have taken the disappointment and channeled it into moving forward. This is the sign of any good professional player in any sport or discipline.’


Check here for how to connect with me. You will find my co-author Anne Fish on Twitter by the name @mamabenjyfishy or live at twitch.tv/mamabenjyfishy1.


Fortnite Esports Gear: A Gamer’s Guide


2019 Fortnite World Cup - the days before the finals